Made from natural acacia wood, rich, beautiful dark colors with contrasting patterns. -- Ironwood has developed many wood products consisting of tableware, salad bowls and cutting boards Features: -- Solid, very well made, good weight. -- Ironwood pounder has two end sizes for narrow and wide mouth jars. -- Ideal tool for pounding cabbage to draw out liquid and then packing it tightly into your jar or crock. -- Our uniquely designed cabbage tamper helps you pound cabbage for sauerkraut and other vegetables and fruits with leverage and comfort-getting your ferment off to the best start. -- The design is sleek, it feels wonderful in your hand, the striations of the wood are attractive. It's become a kind of kitchen sculpture. Care: -- Easy to maintain and wipe clean with mild soap and water and dry thoroughly - Do Not soak. -- Oil with mineral oil after use"